Sunday, May 24, 2015

Weather (by Karen)

We haven't posted much in a while, but I have lots of bits and pieces floating around in my head. So I've started to write them down, and will post them little by little.

Here's the first (from May 10th):

We both sleep under a blanket now, a thick shaggy polyester blanket made in China, and in the early mornings mist rises from the ground inside our compound. It burns off quickly, and the days are blue-sky clear with cotton-wool clouds. It’s warm in the sun, even hot, but the air is cool and dry. Doors that were swollen and needed a sharp push or tug to open or close during the rainy season now slide with less effort in and out of their frames. A couple of months back, the last of the avocados from the tree in the yard plummeted to the ground, then the tree was covered in cream-colored spikes of small flowers, and then baby avocados the size of grapes started falling. The drops are getting progressively bigger; maybe some will be edible by the time we leave at the end of July.

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