Sunday, May 3, 2015

Zim-Zam Addendum: Livingstone Railway Museum

I found some pictures from the Railway Museum in Livingstone. We arrived after it had closed, but we could look at some of the exhibits through the fence. While walking back to town, we saw the working coal-fired steam train that still runs as a tourist attraction go by. The coal smoke really stank. The train crosses the Victoria Falls Bridge, which supports road, rail & foot traffic.
Zambia State Railways.
Obviously, if I had Photoshop, I could try to stitch those together. The engine above and the one visible below were different, but identically painted steam engines. You can read "Rhodesia Railways" on the passenger car. Northern Rhodesia became Zambia in 1964.

One more photo. This was taken this morning in Lubumbashi. Our little friend found itself in a predicament. We released it into the wilds of our backyard. Too cute to flush.

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